SunSystems Budget Management
Infor SunSystems Budgeting & Planning is a powerful budgeting, forecasting and financial planning tool.
SunSystems Budget Management enables you to control the entire budgeting and forecasting process including dispatch and collection of budgeting workbooks (multi-versions) and automatic transfer of budget data to SunSystems Budget Ledgers. Detailed information can be extracted, manipulated and re-posted into the budget ledgers. Consolidation and summary reporting can be produced using SunSystems reporting applications which can then be delivered to the right people, in the right format, at the right time.
Key features of SunSystems Budgeting & Planning
- Manages all aspects of enterprise-wide budgeting, forecasting and planning
- Enables the central collation and control of budget spreadsheets used in financial accounting
- Individuals can build and control their own budgets easily
- Budget workbooks can be allocated and dispatched to budget holders for completion and return
- Through developing a budget data warehouse, Budget Management handles the process of automatic consolidations, iterative amendments, status logging and the distribution and resubmission of workbooks using e-mail
- A total of ten budget ledgers can each be defined to reflect the requirements of the business
Benefits of SunSystems Budgeting & Planning
- Reduce financial planning time by up to 70% through management of communication of budgets to budget holders and managing amendments
- Commitment and expenditure checking, comparing actual and committed expenditure against budgeted funds
- Deliver financial and operational KPIs to managers at scheduled times
- Gain access to all of your data from budgeting and planning via the cloud, straight to your device